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Table 6 YOLOv3 approach

From: Object detection for automotive radar point clouds – a comparison

Model part

Implementation details

Grid Mapping

3 maps: max amplitude, min and max Doppler map, 608×608 cells (0.164 m)

GridMap Postprocessing

Use cell population to propagate highly populated cells to neighbors, skew heavy-sided Doppler values, cf. Image object detection network section


YOLOv3 base implementation from [73], learning rate 10−5, decay by a factor of 10 every 250k iterations, anchors: [(42 m, 46 m), (33 m, 17 m), (14 m, 30 m), (20 m, 5.1 m), (4.6 m, 12 m), (11 m, 12 m), (7.0 m, 5.6 m), (3.3 m, 3.3 m), (1.4 m, 1.5 m)]

Class Proposal

Top 200 NMS boxes @ IOU 0.5, proposal equal to points within predicted boxes