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Table 4 LSTM approach

From: Object detection for automotive radar point clouds – a comparison

Model part

Implementation details


Filter and modified DBSCAN with parameters: \(\phantom {\dot {i}\!}\epsilon _{xyv_{r}} {=} 1.04, \epsilon _{v_{r}} {=} 1.03, \epsilon _{t} {=} 0.25, N_{\text {min,50}} {=} 3.87, v_{r,\text {min}} {=} 1.00, \alpha _{r} {=} 0.99\)

Feature Extraction

21 individually optimized feature vectors from a feature list of 98 handcrafted features (full list in [15])

Classification Ensemble

15 OVO + 6 OVA classifiers with customized feature vectors

LSTM Classifier

Single LSTM layer with 80 cells followed by a softmax layer, learning rate 10−3

Random Forest Classifier

50 trees, Gini impurity, max split \(\sqrt {\text {feats.}}\), no restrictions on depth or split amount

Class Proposal

Proposal equal to clusters, ensemble score defines class decision and confidence level